In the early 20th century, the Russian artist Kazimir Malevich (1878-1935) painted his seminal work, The Black Square. This painting launched the abstract art movement in which representational forms from the natural world, such as birds, were deliberately obscured from view. Strolling through modern art galleries I have tried to imagine how the paintings would change if the “birds” were able to reappear from their captivity. In this series, I utilize photomontage to explore the narrow boundary where reality and imagination intersect and birds can escape the rigid confines of abstract painting.
I have always enjoyed bird photography. Through the years I have taken thousands of avian photographs. Most of the birds in this series originated from my own collection where, for years, they have been patiently waiting to join a photography project like this one.
In there Flight from Abstraction a few birds flew off course and landed in the school of Trompe L'oeil (fool the eye) instead